This ARRI Arriflex 535B 35mm Sync Sound Camera Package will arrive to you FULLY SERVICED by one of our in-house camera technicians & READY TO WORK! This is a 4-perf 535B camera body with the hard-to-find AVF-1 Spherical/Anamorphic viewfinder. Perfect S35 camera for shooting with anamorphic lenses!!
- ARRI 535B S35 Camera Body with PL Mount
- (2) Arri 535 400-foot Coaxial Magazine
- (2) Arri 1000-foot Coaxial Magazine
- Arri 535 AVF-1 Spherical/Anamorphic Viewfinder
- Arri IVS NTSC Video Assist (HD Video Tap UPGRADE AVAILABLE -- Please Inquire)
- Arri FE-1 Long Extension Eyepiece
- Arri BP-5 19mm Sliding Baseplate w/ Dovetail
- Arri RCU-1 (Remote Control Unit) with Cable
- Ground glass
- Power Cable
- Custom Fitted Shipping Cases
HD VIDEO TAP AVAILABLE -- Want to UPGRADE this Arri 535B with an HD VIDEO TAP? We can do that! Please CONTACT US for DETAILS & PRICING!