About Us
What Sets Us Apart
At Visual Products we know the market, we also know you have choices as to where to buy. We pride ourselves on offering the best gear at the best price. Apples to apples. Our reputation is on the line, so we stand behind the equipment we sell. When you purchase gear from us, it comes to you not only with a warranty, but with the experience to make that warranty mean something.

A Leader in Quality Used Motion Picture Equipment
In business for over 30 years, Visual Products, Inc. remains a leader in supplying quality equipment to the entertainment industry. Housed in a 15,000 square foot custom-built facility with state-of-the-art show room, machine shop, camera, lens, lighting and grip departments, our knowledgeable staff can turn possibilities into realities.
In addition to new gear, we specialize in offering refurbished gear. This alternative can sometimes make the difference between doing a specific project or not. If you can’t afford new gear, don’t despair. Most of today’s professional tools of the trade are made to last. This fact allows us to recondition or rebuild items to factory specs and return them to market at a fraction of this original cost.
A Letter From The Founder
I’m very proud of what we’ve built. I believe we at Visual Products have made a positive difference in our customer’s lives and the filmmaking community at large.
It is hard for me not to boast of this accomplishment. I owe Visual Products’ success to my crew who run the company. All employees are career professionals and some of the best in the industry. The engineers, technicians, and designers were hand-picked for their specific talent and represent over 100 years of experience. I am truly fortunate to be surrounded by this talent and proud to be able to offer a quality service to our creative industry.
Our goal is to provide all of our customers, from the small independent filmmaker to the seasoned cinematographer, an alternative array of motion picture gear at reasonable prices. Whether it be a brand new camera or a fully refurbished Technocrane, we are here to help.
Of course, the biggest debt of gratitude I have is for Visual Products’ customers who provided us at Visual Products a wonderful and exciting career. We will be forever grateful for having met and worked with so many memorable and talented people that have enriched all of our lives.
If you, as a customer, ever have an issue with Visual Products that cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, please call me. My personal cell phone number is 440-728-4999.
Jim Budzilek
Visual Products, Inc.

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