From the revolutionary line of Arri’s ‘silent’ 35mm BL cameras, this Arri BL4S Camera Package is in EXCELLENT CONDITION. With camera servicing done by one of our in-house 35mm camera technicians, this Arri BL4S Camera Package will ship to you READY TO WORK!
The BL4S camera was an upgrade to the legendary Arri BL4 camera and features an adjustable pitch movement and adjustable loop magazines. The adjustable pitch movement in the BL4S camera is the same movement that Arriflex would go on to use in their Arri 535 line of cameras (the model that replaced the BL4S). The adjustable loop magazines enable the camera assistant to adjust the magazine’s loop once the magazine has been installed on the camera to make the camera run as quietly as possible.
Arri 35BL cameras are rugged, time-tested 35mm workhouse cameras used worldwide for decades. 35BL cameras were used to shoot Acedemy Award winning films such as Bound for Glory, Days of Heaven, Apocalypse Now, Reds, Ghandi, The Shawshank Redemption, Goodfellas, and many more!!