Released in 1999, Aaton’s revolutionary Super16 film camera is still sought after for its feature-rich, yet small, footprint. It is one of the lightest reflex cameras around: excellent for handheld run-and-gun work. It is also one of the most ergonomically-shaped cameras with the magazine tilted 15-degrees to allow for cheek guiding and the viewfinder tilted 45-degrees in order to decorrelate the shooting axis from the viewing axis. Image quality and definition are also enhanced by the technology of both the cone-shaped viewing screen shutter and the curved film gate. This tiny camera system is crystal-controlled for audio sync and with the addition of Aaton Code II it allows for slate-less shooting. This allows the user to make optimal use of the small 200-foot magazine.
- Aaton A-Minima S16 Camera Body w/ PL MOUNT
- (3) 200 Foot Magazine
- (6) Kodak 200' Film Spools
- (2) Aaton A-Minima Onboard Battery (Re-Celled)
- (1) Aaton Cha-3 Dual Battery Charger
- (2) 4-pin XLR Battery Charging Cables
- 4-pin to 4-pin Camera Power Cable
- Shipping Case
Want to add an HD VIDEO TAP to this A-Minima Camera Package? Visual Products can do that! Please CONTACT our Visual Products' sales team for DETAILS & PRICING.